Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Heavy Rotation

My husband often claims that I only like music performed by "angry white people with guitars." That is completely unfair. I like music performed by all kinds of white people with guitars: angry, happy, mopey, tormented. And they're all represented on my Summer 2008 playlist, along with a few other things.

The list was inspired by a recent conversation I had with my friend C., who asked me what songs I'd put on a summer mix CD. I'm not a purist when it comes to these things, as I'll shamelessly mix new and old, highbrow and lowbrow. These choices won't impress anybody on Muxtape, but doggone it, I like 'em.

1. American Boy (Estelle): Catchy and sassy without being annoying, even with the Kanye cameo.

2. New York Girls (Morningwood): It makes the treadmill feel like a Fashion Week runway. Almost.

3. Lost! (Coldplay): My favorite song from their excellent "Viva La Vida" CD. Not exactly upbeat, but very soulful.

4. I Will Possess Your Heart (Death Cab for Cutie): A fine addition to the stalker genre.

5. Summer Girl (Beck): Mixes feel-good melody with Beck's trademark cryptic lyrics.

6. The Pretender (Foo Fighters): A high-energy thrashfest, and one of my son's favorite songs.

7. Runnin' (The Pharcyde): I'm ashamed to say that I hadn't heard this song until it popped up on an episode of "Entourage." However, it's a great '90s hip-hop tune that holds up really well.

8. I'll Be Loving U Long Time (Mariah Carey feat. T.I.): I've become fond of Mariah Carey (the singer, not the actress) as I cruise toward midlife. She's at her best when she embraces her love of hip-hop, and you could do worse than T.I.

9. Bombs Away (The Police): I have no idea why this wicked-catchy tune from the classic "Zenyatta Mondatta" album wasn't a hit. The Middle Eastern-style guitar riff alone is irresistible.

10. Hello, It's Me (Todd Rundgren): I adore this song, though it is one of the most noncommittal relationship songs ever recorded. Todd will spend the night if you thinks he should, but you're a free woman. Breezy, and perfect for summertime.

I'm always curious about what other people are listening to, so tell me what's ruling your iPod this summer.


Christina said...

You know, I never really picked up on how Todd is "on the one hand, on the other hand' in "Hello It's Me." Like, sure, I'll stay with you, or not, whatever. It's up to you, baby!

I never did end up getting a whole mix CD together, unfortunately. Another good idea dying on the vine. Though it was prompted by hearing "Every Day I Write the Book" in some store. I ended up going to the library and checking out a Best of Elvis Costello cd (I get a lot of music from the library these days) and I'm quite enjoying it.

E. Peterman said...

It's so '70s in that way: Whatever! I need to check out Elvis Costello. He seems like someone I'd really enjoy.

The Irredeemable Shag said...

What's on my iPod? TV Show Cartoon themes from the 80's (seriously) and podcasts. I gave up on music about seven years ago. Not exactly sure why, but I don't hear much music that appeals to me anymore.

I'm auditory-challenged like that.

The Irredeemable Shag

E. Peterman said...

Oooh, you're gettin' old! :-)