Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Twitter Police

Since all the cool kids are tweeting now, I decided to test the waters. After all, I don't want to be in the same boat with anti-trend curmudgeons who think social networking is just a big identity theft scam.

But after a few weeks, I still don't quite get Twitter. I mean, I can see how it would be useful if you're a known personality or an up-and-comer trying to build an audience. One of my friends tweets regularly about fitness, and another friend with a newspaper column uses Twitter to connect with readers. That makes sense to me. Somehow, I can't imagine anyone wants to know that "I'm emptying the litterbox" or "looking for my daughter's other Hello Kitty sock." The team behind this hilarious Landline TV video clearly agrees.


That Hank said...

Yeah, I signed up for it but it creeped me out. Facebook is invasive and stupid enough.

E. Peterman said...

That's a good way of putting it. Facebook depletes all my wit and random observations.

Zil said...

I like twitter because I can do it from my cell phone. It gives me an outlet to share the amusing/weird/annoying shit that is happening to me right while it is going on. I also think it's kind of like my's for my own amusement and I don't think anyone else is really paying attention to it.

Also, I have my twitter set up to show my tweets as my facebook status, so it keeps my facebook more current

E. Peterman said...

I'd probably like it better if I had a smart phone. There have been times when I've seen random stuff in nature (OMG! Leg warmers!), but I'm usually tethered to one or both children, who are jockeying for attention. I need more hands.

T.H. Elliott said...

That video was hilarious. I always think I'm going to make some sort of never before seen twitter post, and then I tweet about being bored.

E. Peterman said...

I know! I can never think of anything worth tweeting that I haven't already said via Facebook.