Tuesday, September 2, 2008

'Strategic And Fly'

I love Diddy. His ego knows no bounds, and he doesn't bother with niceties or things like, say, proper grammar. He doesn't have to. He's Diddy! Here, he weighs in on Sarah Palin as only he can. I don't know why Jim Lehrer isn't blowing up this man's cell phone.


Zil said...

I generally find Diddy annoying, but everything about this is awesome. His delivery of "Alaska?" is priceless. Also, why is he spinning around? Is he on a Segway or something? Actually, I am now totally picturing him blogging while riding a Segway...

E. Peterman said...

Zil, I totally agree. Diddy is so full of himself, but the his video blogs make me laugh out loud!

Zil said...

Man, I sent the link to the video to some friends and it has been taken down. John McCain must have gotten after Diddy's ass. That is neither strategic nor fly

E. Peterman said...

Dang. I guess John McCain really IS bugging the &%^$ out!